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Valiant Thor

What is Reality?, that may not be as simple to answer as you may first think. Are alternate realities all part of the sci-fi that gets fed to us through television and advertizing or is there more to it? Most say that of course its a story written then acted out or written down from the over active imaginations of a author thing is are they? During the late 1960s the late Gene Roddenberry may of disagreed with the mainstream norm. It is claimed that a alien...yes a alien called Valiant Thor spent 3 years within the pentagon in an advisory role, so lets break this down.... It claimed that two police officers in mexico came across a landed, not crashed bt a landed disk and was aproached by its occupant the aforementioned Valiant Thor who believe it or not said "take me to your leader". It is claimed that during his role at the pentagon Valiant Thor stated he had come to benefit the future of mankind and that if we continue as we are that mankind is set to destroy itself further more if the nuclear threat we face was to grow other forces he claimed know as the nine would intervene and destroy mankind to save them venturing forward and harming other races......Gene Roddenberry comes in where i hear you cry, Well it is claimed that during a meeting in Geneiva Roddenberry a up and coming writer was invited along with several others and sat for 6 hours chatting to the "alien" Valiant Thor claimed that there was many dimensional worlds where the "nine" had intervened and watched over to help with there development, it is said this meeting is where Roddenberry got the idea for legendary star trek the series. of course this all claims and conjecture and seems very much like the original film THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Now was Valiant Thor real? likely the answer is a big fat NO, the story says dispondant with human kind he left earth with a final warning. The story appears at face value to match the film and yes it does, but what if the nine and Valiant Thor were real where does that leave us. If the alleged alien was with the pentagon for three years advising what did he advize what did he teach and impart and if he was real the comment that the nine had intervened in other dimensions and realities therefore must be real. Fast forward to modern times.... In more recent times the cuniform writting of the sumarians came to light and got translated, these writtings claim many things even the depiction of other races decending from the sky in flaming crafts in more recent times science has wondered a big question and that is the planets are closely equidistant to each other except mars and jupiter leading them to believe at one time in the solar systems history there was a planet there that got destroyed... A few years ago a newer part of the clay sumarian tablet got translated and it claims a great battle waged between external races from distant stars and other realms and during this great battle a planet did infact get destroyed but does this explain the uncommonly unnatural distance between mars and jupiter? It is a possibilty that must be considered as the tablet goes on to claim the race that lived there migrated to the third rock, earth.

So many facts and speculations are inticing to the mind and soul are there races visiting from other dimensions? This brings up the probabilty of time travel and that old chestnut of the grandfather paradox...but this i shall leave for a later time just long enough to make you wonder. The facts and figures are out there if you search, some real some not so real and some out right outragious. My writting here is from personal learning and being taught and teaching but it may be the start of a extrordiary journey into the unknown and unexplained

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